Wednesday, July 31, 2013

9 Months

I can't believe this little lady is already 9 months. Only three more months and she will be a year old- that's cray cray to even think about! 

Height- 25 inches 3%

Weight- 12.4 pounds 1%

Diaper Size- size 2

Clothes Size- 6 months

First- sit up on her own, trip to the water park, mini golf caddy, 4th of July

Personality- she is still sassy as can be! Littles has definitely been a good nickname for her. Lucy is the sweetest little girl, she is so in tune with others needs and tries her hardest to be a comfort to those that need a little extra love. She has a tender heart and is in tune with the spirit more than I think I can ever understand. I love watching her try to be independent but look for us when she is frustrated or needs help. Because of the holidays lately, she makes me take her to Evan's office to see if he is home or not. She loves her daddy and gets so excited when she hears the garage door open. 
Sitting up for a whole 3 seconds

Her favorite food is whole plums. She ate about 5 this particular day. If I have her on the counter, she looks through the bowl of fruit to find the plums

Vintage little baby clothes. I need to find my baby pictures to do some side by sides

Found some glasses in her toy basket. Yes she also rocks a popped collar 

We were playing on the floor and she rolled over to cuddle with me. She knew it was a hard day for me and I needed a hug

1 comment:

Chelsi said...

Love her! We are going to start the moving in process August 11 and be in PG that whole week - is there a time we can get together so I can squeeze her?