When it was our turn, we went back to the pre-op room. Lucy changed into a gown and the nurse got her vitals and gave her IB Profin and Tylenol. Since she couldn't eat before, she signed for more after the nurse was done. When she couldn't have more her signs got more intense!
Her new thing to do is fist pump while chanting things. When Dr. Myers came in she started chanting "doc, doc, doc". He couldn't stop laughing!
Everyone commented on how cute she is! When it was our turn to go to the OR, the nurse asked if we could walk the long way so she could show Lucy off to a co-worker. I didn't mind the extra few minutes with her before we had to part ways.
When we made it to the end of the hall, the nurse took Lucy and I had to go and wait in the parent room. Luckily the procedure was only 10 minutes. I don't know if I could have waited any longer. I was able to meet her in the recovery room as she was waking up. She did not like waking up from the anesthesia. In order to be discharged, Lucy had to drink 4 oz of clear fluids and keep it down. After about 45 minutes, she only had 1 oz. The nurse said most kids just want to leave and drink it in the car so she let us leave since Lu had no interest in drinking.
When we got home, Lucy slept from 11-5! She woke up in the best mood! I guess she just needed some sleep. She ate and drank whatever she could find until bed time.
We have to go back in 4 weeks for a follow up and new hearing tests. Hopefully draining her ears and adding the tubes she will be able to hear better. Her ENT said that there is slight scaring inside her right ear (he doesn't seem concerned and thinks it was because of the constant fluid) and no damage to her coclea or eardrum. Lucy seems happy so far and hasn't shown signs to noise sensitivity.
I'm so grateful for the doctors and nurses that took such good care of her today. All the staff at Primary Children's were so nice and friendly. I'm glad we decided to drive the extra bit to go to PCH and see the best doctors in the state.
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