Saturday, December 5, 2009

Massive, Massive Post!

So I realized that it has been quit a while since I have posted anything, so here you go!

Thanksgiving weekend was fun. Evan and I went to our good friends the Farr's house for dinner. Sorry, no pictures, but it was a lot of fun with good food, friends and laughs.

Friday after Thanksgiving, Evan studied and I ventured out of the house for Black Friday. I LOVED Black Friday until this year- I usually go with my mom and little sisters and have so much fun being with them. However, this year without them I realized that Black Friday is full of CrAzY people running around frantically. I did walk away with some sweet buys!

Saturday Ev and I went up to Strawberry Reservoir and cut down our Christmas tree. We have cut our own tree down for the past 3 years and love doing it. This year, Evan hands me the saw and says "you do it". What!?! Me, on the ground, in the snow, cutting a tree down? I didn't even wear my flannel. I pulled through, frost bit on my knees and all.

Later that afternoon, we went to the BYU v U football game. Emotions were everywhere... first they were winning, then we were up, then in the 4th quarter BYU forgot that they were playing football for a few minutes and the U caught up. I even think that the refs made up calls just because. BYU ended up winning in overtime.

With our Christmas tree in the house, I have been pulling out decorations and my glue gun. Here are a few of our things from around the house...

The count down to finals begin! 10 days and Evan is all mine until January! WAHHOOO! We have both been crazy, busy this past couple of weeks. Evan has finals and I have year-end stuff to do at work. Hopefully things will calm down soon.

1 comment:

Amanda Evans said...

Hey! So fun to hear from you - we'd love to get together sometime! Looks like you are WAY more put together than we are this winter/Christmas! I've got to add you to my blogroll so that we can stay caught up!