For those of you that have never been on a road trip with us, you are missing out! I think for about 1/2 of the trip we played our favorite car game two different ways. We put the radio on scan to see how may songs I know, 10 out of 10 every time. Then we played the Evan version, talk radio. 10 out of 10! The theme of our car ride is summed up in one song that we heard I think about 20 times, no joke; that new Black Eyed Peas song I Gotta Feeling. It was a really fun trip. Just being able to jump in the car and go with no plan was a blast.
I had to take this last one picture. The capital is under construction so I couldn't go close. This a picture of the front and right under the stair case is the governor's parking spot! How crazy is that, some day Ev, some day.